Robin Hendrix and Michel Prezman
are concert recital artists who live in the south of France.
Robin's natural
style never fails to move audiences, and her concerts in the
US and Europe always end with standing ovations. In
Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Songs,
she brings to life all the gentle fun, innocence, and joy in
this music. She is known for her velvety classical singing
sound and for her ability to convey the text in every level
of understanding. Her second album,
The Lover’s Curse, is a collection of
Irish traditional art songs for voice and piano, accompanied
by her husband, Michel Prezman.
Michel Prezman, a Yamaha Concert Artist, is considered by
many to be one of the finest accompanists on the vocal scene
today. He is a published composer who also has an active
piano performance career in Europe. His compositions include
classical and non-classical
works, film scores, and arrangements for commercial
recordings. His CD,
A Music Box Christmas contains wonderful orchestrations
of traditional carols from around the world.

score for this music was lavishly illustrated by the
Dalziel Brothers Studio, one of the most successful
illustration studios of the day. Dalziel Brothers'
illustrations can be found in numerous children's books of
the Victorian period. For the nursery rhymes score, they
produced more than 55 engraved illustrations by 12 different
The engraving process they used to illustrate the nursery
rhymes is known as black line engraving. A block of wood
from a boxwood tree is cut to the size of the illustration
desired and smoothed perfectly flat. Then, the illustrator
makes a pen and ink drawing of the illustration on the
surface of the block. After that, a highly skilled
technician carves out the white spaces around the black ink
lines. The carved block is then used to engrave thousands of
pages with the image.